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Dec 21, 2021

“Make sure you're taking care of things and dealing with what you need to deal with and bring pleasure into whatever you do. ” - Kelley Hunter

Kelley Hunter, Ph.D., an internationally known Depth Astrologer and Astro-Mythologist weaves perspectives from archetypal psychology, cosmology, and consciousness studies...

Dec 14, 2021

“Every day we can celebrate our independence, we can celebrate our free choice, or free agency or free will. Free choice, free agency, and freewill are very similar. There's different names for them, but they're all a law.” - Sky A’Hearn

Sky A’Hearn, the host of the Leading with Light podcast,...

Nov 30, 2021

“Generosity of spirit comes from abundance and unconditional love and is offered freely.” - Sky A’Hearn

Sky A’Hearn, the host of the Leading with Light podcast, studied ThetaHealing directly under Vianna Stibal, the Founder of ThetaHealing. Sky is also a practitioner of several different forms of medical Chi...

Nov 23, 2021

“We are supported, support is available and sometimes it's about reaching out and asking.” - Blake Brandes

Blake Brandes is the Dr. of Hip Hop! He is a youth motivational speaker, hip-hop educator, music producer, and a student leadership expert. Blake received his PhD in Hip-Hop and Global Youth Cultures from the...

Oct 12, 2021

“It worked for me and it's not easy but it's not hard. It's simple.” - Dr. Deb Welshons-Cline

Dr. Deb Welshons-Cline returns to Leading with Light! Deb has been a chiropractor since 2000 and then recently got encouraged to focus on her healing inwards after multi-level surgeries.

In this episode, she gives us...